New Oral Histories Uploaded to our YouTube!

We have collected quite a few oral histories for our latest exhibit, Dining Out In Durham, and we just recently uploaded some of our favorites to our YouTube channel! Hear stories from local entrepreneurs and chefs about the origins of their culinary styles and how they influenced Durham’s food scene. These local Durhamites include Cecilia Polanco, Leonardo & Zweli Williams, Suman Bhatia, and AnnaMaria Malanga (all pictured above, starting bottom left corner then clockwise).


We especially wanted to highlight the oral history we received from Diana Ligets Bello, posted below. She submitted her story through our Virtual Story Kiosk technology, which you can access from the comfort of your own home! We are always collecting, archiving, and sharing the stories of our fellow Durhamites, so if you have some great memories of the Bull City, we would love for you to share them with us.

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